Jay Greenzweig

Scientia Potestas Est – Knowledge Is Power

When I began my career in healthcare over 30 years ago, the business culture was in a stage of evolution that saw an explosion of large provider groups and pharmacy chains, while independent practitioners and pharmacies struggled to compete. Small pharmaceutical companies were primarily generic medication providers, and large pharmaceutical companies balanced their investments between Scientia Potestas Est – Knowledge Is Power

Enabling Passion for Purchase

I recently had the opportunity to reflect on my 30+ years in business and consider the most memorable moments that make up the DNA of my life, my career, and our company. One of the most powerful events was my philosophical evolution from generating sales to enabling a “passion for purchase.” Early in my career, Enabling Passion for Purchase

Adapt and Achieve: Helping a New Division Define Itself

When a company is just starting out, it needs help. It needs direction. It needs a game plan. It needs experience-driven policy. A new client had just parted from its parent company and was running its business on inertia and improvisation. Two new departments were in dire need of guidance, so they came to us. Adapt and Achieve: Helping a New Division Define Itself


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